Business Mindset and Heart

I’m going to be super honest here. I started my business with the wrong mindset and heart. I felt like I had to be like all the other photographers who had a huge following, making the big bucks and booked 24/7. I kept chasing and chasing, which it’s good to have a passion and drive but mine was to be “successful” and to make money doing what I loved. I also wanted to be “wanted” as a photographer. I kept thinking there would be more. I kept striving. I never felt happy with where I was at. I people pleased, got burned out, worn out and tired.

I soon realized, well over the course of six years. I had to change something. I felt the nudge on my heart to quit photographing weddings and focus on my favorite kind of sessions— SENIORS. They are the OG of my photography business. Seniors were the first sessions I offered. I love weddings but realized overall that it wasn’t for me. I put a lot of pressure on myself and weddings are already pretty high pressured. Recovering people pleaser here. When I had the nudge on my heart I now look back and see that God wanted me to slow down. 

It’s been such a beautiful journey with God teaching me to slow down and be intentional. It’s hard slowing down… the world is so fast paced with technology the way it is and instant gratification. It breaks my heart. We think all these earthly purchases and achievements are the end all be all. We have to do this this and this to get to here or there… we push and push and are never satisfied. We weren’t made to strive for more. 

We were made to be in relationship with Christ. He wants our hearts, not our busyness, or our striving to achieve a high status. Christ says “‘Be still, and know that I am God’” Psalm 46:10. We must quiet the world and hear his voice because that is where we will find joy, peace and happiness. The world is going to tell us lies. “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” The truth is what sets us free from the lies going on in our head. Jesus sets us free. We must fight those lies with prayer, reading the Bible and learning more about God. He gives us strength and wisdom. We can’t do these things on our own.

My mindset and goal in my photography business has shifted over the years. I was once striving and now all I want is to love people well. God will provide. It’s not about achieving a high status, a big social media following or money. It’s about serving God with the gift he gave me. 

God is the creator, giver, maker and healer of all things. He changed my heart. He’s slowed me down, changed my mindset, and given me a peace I’ve never known. No matter the circumstance, he is with me and he is with you. I will still stumble. I am human, but I have a better confidence and faith than I did when I started my business. 

I’m praying for you friend. I pray we see him in everything. I pray we run to him and not to worldly things. If you’re tired, ashamed, striving for more, worried, lonely, guilty, lost, hurting, grieving, the list goes on… whatever season you are in. You aren’t alone. Your season is temporary. God is with you.

How to grow in faith?

  • Talk with God daily, just start chatting while you’re doing the dishes or folding laundry.

  • Read the Bible — it’s God’s words to us. I’ve been obsessed with using the Bible Recap while reading the Bible.

  • Prayer, you can do this throughout the day but some quiet time for a couple minutes is always great too. Remember God wants our hearts. It doesn’t have to look like the perfect prayer time you have in your head.

  • Find a church community

  • Be in community with encouraging friends, start a bible study together

  • Christian counseling, if you need a little extra help with some struggles. I go. It’s a blessing to have such an awesome resource. 

  • Some christian books

  • Christian music (music has a big impact on your mindset and attitude, at least for me it does)

The spirit God gave you will lead you. I was at a women’s retreat recently and it was all bout JOY. The speaker discussed what God brings to the table— the Bible and the Holy Spirit. We just have to come with a teachable, tender heart.

All the love,
