Garrett & Beth | San Saba Nature Park | Engagement

Hi y'all! 

Meet Beth & Garrett! I met these two cuties through my dear friend Katie. Beth is her sister! You will also see Beth and Garrett's sweet dog Daisy in a few photos. She was such a photogenic dog. She would sit still for us so well! I had never been to San Saba before even though it was on an hour away from where my husband and I currently live (we will be moving soon). More on that later! 

San Saba has a gorgeous nature park! The lighting was perfect that day. The glow of the sunshine hitting the trees-- my favorite! I will let you see for yourself. :)

Garrett and Beth will be getting married this fall in Ohio! Best wishes to them both! 

I forgot to mention, Beth is also an AGGIE! WHOOP!

