Freeze Frame Time

Howdy friends, family, and new followers! 

I am so sorry I have not posted another blog since my first one. I got back last week Wednesday to the good ole state of Texas. Lets just say it took me a few nights to get back on the right sleep schedule and back into the swing of things off of vacation brain. My goal is to blog ONCE a week! Eventually I would LOVE to blog more. With two jobs, a business, and my last semester of college. Life gets crazy busy and I am only human. I have to remind myself that. BUT,  I did just come back from one AMAZING trip to Palmer, Alaska that I would like to show and tell about!! 

My top THREE favorite days in Alaska with my FAMILY: 

1) Taking a drive to our cabin, but also stopping along the way to check out a river that was iced over. Gods creation is unbelievably beautiful. Especially since I got some pretty, airy, white snow and ice pictures!!! (Nikon D750, 50mm 1.8) 

2) Going to Seventeen Mile Lake to ice fish and enjoy family!! My sweet boyfriend caught one baby fish, while my cousin caught a few. Sadly I did not catch anything, but still had a fun time. We also got to ride snow mobiles and be pulled on a snowboard with the snow mobile!! Just took a little rope and a stick, WHALA you have a "ski rope."  I ate snow a few times thanks to my AMAZING aunt driving. (iPhone 6s Plus) 

3) My ALL TIME FAVORITE! Seeing the NORTHERN LIGHTS on New Years Eve!!! We were sitting around a fire shooting fire works with the natural firework show above us! The green light danced across the sky. I was so excited I hurried to grab my camera out of the house because I could not get the pictures with my phone. So excited I get to share these with you. They were hard to get. The shutter speed was super low to capture the green light. I had to put the camera on my aunts tripod because I definitely did not bring mine with me from Texas. I already had too much stuff.  (Nikon D750)

The last pictures is of my sweet family and some friends New Years Eve around the fire!! I am blessed with a beautiful family. Sometimes I wish I could FREEZE FRAME TIME with them. Do not take your loved ones for granted. We only get so much time together. Spend the New Year adventuring with your loved ones and making new memories! 

Thank you so much for checking out my top THREE favorite days in Alaska. I hope your NEW YEAR is just as wonderful as you! Keep on dreaming BIG. I will write soon. 

